Imagine making time for you. No phone calls, no traffic, no “to do” lists.
That’s what retreats are all about — space, heavenly space.
Space to breathe. Space to relax. Space to take care of you!
Yet, taking time for yourself doesn’t seem possible. There are so many things that need to get done, people to take care of, deadlines to meet. You’re burning the candle at both ends and you’re tired — exhausted. You feel like life is flying by and you’re missing most of it. You’re in a rut.
Sounds just like me! I am a recovering work addict & people pleaser. I regularly spent 12 hours at work, and another 4 at home completing assignments. I was so busy making sure everyone at work was happy, that I forgot to spend time with my family, rarely had any fun with my friends, and enjoyed my vacations on the couch – sleeping.
What a wonderful and inspiring experience! I had a very positive experience this weekend in Michigan at a lovely Bed and Breakfast, and I am grateful to have been able to spend it with strong, amazing and inspiring women. I loved this weekend. I LOVED everything that I took away with me. I learned a lot about others, about myself and was able to clearly define what I am dedicated to working on for my future.
Thank you SO MUCH Beth! ~Erin Beebe Venice-Fortner
That was my pattern for over 15 years until I went on a weekend retreat in at the Mountain Park Environmental Center in Beulah, Colorado.
Taking time to kick back, relax and refresh is the greatest way to take care of yourself. It is the ultimate way to love yourself.
I had the pleasure of attending a women’s weekend retreat run by Beth Majerszky. Each of the women in our group was able to disconnect from daily activities and get in touch with each other and our inner selves. At this retreat we did a labyrinth walk, a vision board, and laughter yoga. As a professional coach and retreat planner, Beth can plan each retreat for the needs of the attendees. Contact Beth for your next retreat. Mary Wu, Virtual Assistant
Imagine a calm, peaceful place…. no ticking clocks, no deadlines, no demands,… Imagine time and space to connect with your own needs, to reflect on what feeds your spirit, what’s keeping you going….. Imagine giving yourself the same attention, support, time, energy and compassion you give to others….. ~ Author unknown